

New work: Adjusting the Tappets

Acquired directly from the artist, this thoughtful etching, “Adjusting the Tappets”, shows the introspective nature of much of Robert Young’s work. This is an early piece from 1983, describing himself pondering over the task of adjusting the tappets on his…

In memoriam: Michael Morris

With deep sadness many Canadian and international art circles are reacting to the passing of Michael Morris at age 80. A maverick since he was 18, he expanded the concepts of Visual Art into new dimensions culminating in the creation…

In memoriam: Barry V. Downs

We are deeply saddened by the the passing of Barry V. Downs on July 19, 2022. Barry helped us to craft the mission statement for the Canadian Art Preservation Foundation and encouraged us to think big, by collecting to protect…

New work: Barry Vance Downs

BC artist Barry Vance Downs has donated an original piece to the Canadian Art Preservation Foundation. Barry V. Downs is best known for his mid-Century Modern style of architecture on the West Coast in British Columbia. He received the Order…

New works: Robert Young

BC artist Robert Young has donated original etchings, serigraphs, engravings and drawings to the Canadian Art Preservation Foundation. Adept in wide range of art media including watercolour, various forms of printmaking and oil painting, he explores themes which embrace household…